Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Iliad v. Troy the Movie.

There were many differencies between the movie Troy, and Homer's illiad. One of the differnces being that the movie Troy had more of a love story to it. In The Illiad there was no love connection between any of the characters, unlike the movie. I also noticed that the movie contained little to none of refrences to the gods'. Unlike the Illiad. I also felt that as good looking as Brad Pitt is, he also fitted the description of Achilles well from the Illiad, and potrayed him well. Another thing that was alike from the book to the movie was the way Achilles killed Hector. It was an intense scene, where the actors showed the battle scene very well. There was some slight differencies from the movie to the book, but they were also pretty close, and showed the same themes, and history behind the story.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

World Lit So Far...

Sophomore year is definitely a major transition from freshmen year. With freshmen boys finally maturing, and new, more challenging classes coming along the way. As a freshmen at SCS I was put in the Language Arts Mastering Program, its for those students who struggle in the language arts division. But after a year of being involved in L.A.M.P, I wanted something more challenging. Though its only the first few months of school, I'm already finding Mrs. Kirk's class to be one of my favorites. Though its hard, and sometimes things I've never heard before, I love being in there. It makes me think deeper into what I'm reading, instead of just letting it roll off my tongue. I like finding the pieces of the puzzle i guess you could say, that make great literature. I never even knew I'd like writing!
Though I do believe my greatest disappointment this year was the personal essays. I would have received an A for my paper, but those spelling errors always get me. Usually when I am studying or preparing for a test, I sit on my bed, with it quiet, and do flash cards, or read over past material. Though I think I'm gonna move my location to somewhere else, because I tend to find myself falling asleep.
I am also a very visual learner. Its kind of hard for me to grasp a concept, with someone just explaining it. Showing the steps, and why things are the way they are really better me to understand.
Though I know this class is going to be very challenging for me, I'm excited to see where it leads.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Notebook

It has been called on of "The greatest love stories of all time." And by all means were they correct. The Notebook tells of a story of a young highschool couple in the mid 1940's. The story tells of a love that everybody wishes to find, and that all are searching for. Allie was an upper class southern girl with hopes and ambishens of becoming just as sucessful & wealthy as her father. For Noah on the other hand, he was all about getting by, and being thankful for the simple things. Opposites attract. The two young couple fall in love immediatly, but are painfully torn apart by Allie's mother, who thinks Noah is nothing but trouble for her college bound beauty. Through the 5 years that they were seperated, love was soon re-kindled, and Noah & Allie found eachother once again. The way the story is told is an old man, who actually is Noah, is reading this type of journal to, Allie as she has reached her elderly years, and is diagnoised with altimerz disease. 
Throughout the story there are many archetypes. The journal/book that Noah reads to Allie represents the story of their lives, love, and passion that they shared between each other. Also, Allie's Mother represents the  trickster. For the full year of 365 letters that Noah had wrote to Allie, her mother had taken and hid from her, to make her believe Noah wanted nothing to do with her.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

He maybe just another goofy guy, but he's my hero.

Though some would think of hero to be one who rescuses the town from an evil villan, or an individual who saves numerous amounts of people from a burning building, my hero is a little diffrent. Don't get me wrong, those are some amazing heros, But what my hero does is just as phenominal. Chambers Stevens is not only one of the most amazing theatatrical coaches, but he pushes you to your limits. When all else fails, and there is no one there to catch you and bring you back, he's there. He restores aspirations, with his encouraging words. He has faith in you.  Though he's not giving CPR to the choking man down at Olive Garden, or locking up the joker to save the city, he's bringing life, and hope into hundreds of kids and young adults with dreams and ambitions  to be all that they can be. And to me, that's one astounding hero.